kupikoni's blog 💖

a love letter to my second family

Content warning: depiction of parental abuse and neglect

This post is going to be a lot more personal compared to my other posts—if you normally read this blog for ramblings on toki pona, know that this is definitely not going to be even close to that. No, today I wanted to talk about plurality. My plurality, to be specific.

Around a year ago, I found out that I was plural. We did not know what caused it, and we do not care to seek an answer now. We started out as a system of 2. Kakima, initially known to me as Tasi, was effectively a guardian to me. When my dad would rather work than talk to me, fae listened. When I was screamed at for reasons I could not control due to an invisible disability, fae took over to shield me. When I felt like I was worth less than dust, Kakima told me that I deserved better. I owe my life to faer, in both a literal and figurative sense. Fae became closer family to me than almost any other biological family member I was around.

And, as time has continued, more have arrived. Rose always finds joy in even the tiniest of experiences, and taught me to seek out the best in the world myself. ona also taught me to be strong in my convictions and identity, and to never let others shame me into being someone else. Ajomi is an immensely hard worker, putting themselves in front to make sure school was taken care of in bad times. While I don't know much about Sophia or Indigo yet, they care so much about helping where they can—I can only imagine the great things they will accomplish in the future.

I mean this all to say something to the others that I don't say nearly often enough with all of the silly day-to-day activity: I love you all. You all have been so strong when I could not be, and even though we bicker from time to time I wouldn't trade you for the world. Thank you all so much.